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Jali Education Trust



Education is the most important part of the future in any poorer country. Every parent or guardian wants to see their kids go to school, but not all can afford it. At Jali Education Trust we help with the education of as many kids as our limited resources allow. As time goes by, I am less able to raise money by selling my crafts, so, I am more than happy to accept help from supporters who agree with our aims.

The Trust is set up to ensure that every kid in need in the village of Jali gets Lower Basic Schooling. We try to make sure that there is no stigma attached to schooling at this level. We are not selective. This is ongoing for as long as it is needed. The supply of rice to the school/village started at the beginning of the ‘Covid Era’ and a shortage of
funds at the school means there is still a need.

Junior Secondary is slightly different, we will never start a sponsorship programme unless we can bank sufficient money (£225) to see a kid through the full three year course. Our sponsorship includes fees, uniform, books, stationery and travel expenses. They are all important constituent parts of Secondary Education. This sponsorship programme will only continue as long as we can raise the funds to continue. We will never name the kids who are
supported by our sponsorship, we consider this private to the sch
ool and the families.

My endless thanks for your support.

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