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Jali Education Trust


Contact & Chat

Please feel free to ask me about any of the little projects from the past, the present, or the future. Or about the school, the village or its wonderful people. I love to chat. I live in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland, in the village of North Kessock on the Black Isle. When it is not too cold, I work in my ‘happy place’, "Jali Studio" at the top of the garden. What I make there is craft items I sell to raise funds for Jali Education Trust.


This is my hobby. It is not a business. But if you're in the area please feel free to come in for a chat.... but please contact me first. As the years pass I find that I make what I want, when I want, so the range of items I sell can be very varied, as you can see on the fundraising page.


I am happy putting my latest craft project, or what's happening in Jali, up on Facebook and Instagram, but I know that not everyone likes social media, so I have set up a database for people who would like to keep in touch via email. I hope to start off with a quarterly newsletter, and see how things go.... I promise I will not inundate you with emails... I'm far too busy with crafting for that!!! Sometimes something happens and I just want to tell everyone about. 

To join the mailing list please enter your email below(And now the legal bit... I promise not to sell your details to any other party no matter how many millions they offer me!!!!!)

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